
Henry David Thoreau was quoted as saying, "It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see." In creating my images, I try to remember that what I view through my camera is not necessarily what others might see when they view my work. My goal is to capture a moment in time with the hope that others will "see" those moments in their own unique way. For more images as well as information on how to purchase my work, you can go to http://www.richardsawyerphotography.com/

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Retail Sales Outlet

Today, I delivered photo cards, prints of various sizes as well as copies of my new book to the C. Perwinkle & Co Gift Store located on Harpswell Neck Road just off Rt 123. The proprietor is Carole Quimby. She has graciously included my work as part of her "eclectic" shop that features a unique collection of handmade one of a kind jewelry and crafts, authentic seashore wreaths and baskets, antiques and collectables, china, gifts and cards as well as... photography by Richard Sawyer!

If you happen to be in the Harpswell area, do stop by as I am sure you will enjoy meeting Carole and spending time in her lovely shop.