
Henry David Thoreau was quoted as saying, "It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see." In creating my images, I try to remember that what I view through my camera is not necessarily what others might see when they view my work. My goal is to capture a moment in time with the hope that others will "see" those moments in their own unique way. For more images as well as information on how to purchase my work, you can go to http://www.richardsawyerphotography.com/

Monday, March 28, 2011

WebSite Updated

Over the weekend, I was able to make updates to the website www.richardsawyerphotography.com that includes a modified new look as well as new image additions. Images on the web site can be purchased on-line in variety of sizes, including greeting cards. Comments on the site are always welcome.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nature's Beauty

This past weekend, Betty and I spent a wonderful afternoon at Skillins Annual Open House. My attempt was to capture the incredible beauty within each of these amazing flowers.

Monday, March 21, 2011


This past weekend, we all had the opportunity to witness an amazing event when the moon was at that point when it was at its closest point to the earth. I joined a number of people at Portland Head Light to capture this special moment.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Portland Flower Show 2011

Spring is on its way for sure! See the video below for images from the recent Portland Flower Show. As you will see, the exhibits are more focused on landscape designs; however, there were several exhibits that integrated some beautiful flower arrangements.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Grand Canyon Moments

This past October, I had the opportunity to complete one of my lifetime "Bucket List" items - a trip to The Grand Canyon. I had always been told that it  would be a challenge to make photographic images that truely capture the enormous sense of space, depth and color of this incredible place. I spent two and a half days there and experienced all types of weather conditions. Staying at the Bright Angel Lodge on the South Rim provided me with the opportunity to maximize my time, all of which was along the rim. Next time, I will definitely hike into the canyon when I am in better shape to do so! With the south rim at 7,000 feet above sea level, I had a hard enough time making sure to watch my step, take deep breaths, while carrying my equipment at the same time.

The following video of images I made will hopefully provide a sense of the beauty and wonder of this very unique place on earth.